How to Build Kid’s Vocabulary

How Can I Make my Child a Better Reader Series

The Analyst
Children’s Book Recommendations


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

A single word answer to this question is talk to your kid (ok that was four words) :D But I guess you got me point ;)

I started talking to my daughter from the first week she was born. It was not baby talk, but real conversations. Some thing like this dad doing in the video bellow.

Our best conversation time was during grocery shopping. She would sit at shopping cart and I will tell her all about the items from the shelves. I love to go grocery shopping and this made it much more fun :D . You will not imagine the stares I used to receive :p . During the cooking time I used to tell her all about the recipe :D . The commentary went on during all the household chores. and then there was bedtime stories. And now she talks and I listen :p . She has became more talkative than I ever was :D .

I know, what you are thinking - I don’t have that much time :D . I was fulltime working mom. and all this was a hour per day most. So keep talking to your kid. they will pick up vocabulary and they definitely will enjoy the attention :D and you can tick this off as a quality bonding time :D .

